Glenorchy Jobs Hub Blog
We post regular articles featuring tips for job seekers and employers as well as the latest industry news.
Meet our Job Champions: Don’s job search journey
Glenorchy resident Don had lived in Tasmania as a Detective; however, after investigating the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, he went…
Glenorchy Jobs Hub partners with Work & Training
Today, Work & Training has become the tenth organisation to sign a pledge with the Glenorchy Jobs Hub. The partnership between Work….
Quick tips: How to find jobs in Tasmania
We’ve put together some quick tips that could help you to navigate the Tasmanian jobs market like a local.
7 ways volunteering can help your job search
Whether you’re new to the job hunt or re-entering the market, it is important to be confident and well prepared for your first interview…
How to sell yourself in your cover letter
Cover letters often have a bad reputation. Some people think they are an unnecessary repetition of of your…
5 common interview questions and how to nail them
As jobs begin to flood back into our market, an increasing number of Australians face one of the most feared parts of the employment….
Seven steps to finding a job
Gaining employment and going to a job you enjoy each day can be an amazing process and a fulfilling part of life. Finding a job, on the…
Phone Interview Tips That Will Land You A Second Interview
Whether you’re new to the job hunt or re-entering the market, it is important to be confident and well prepared for your first interview…
Tips For Getting Your Job application Noticed
Recruiters and employers can be swamped with hundreds of applications for a single job and are always seeking ways to weed out applicants…