Glenorchy Jobs Hub Blog

We post regular articles featuring tips for job seekers and employers as well as the latest industry news.

Glenorchy Jobs Hub celebrates major milestone

Glenorchy Jobs Hub celebrates major milestone

Glenorchy Jobs Hub Champion Tim Glenorchy Jobs Hub has helped find employment for their 100th job seeker. Timothy (Tim) had been made redundant, putting him in the challenging position of seeking out employment. Having been employed for several years, he needed to...

First Jobs Champions for Job Hub

First Jobs Champions for Job Hub

Nga and Jayden who both recently got jobs through the Jobs Hub Congratulations to all the successful job applicants who have gotten employment through the Glenorchy Jobs Hub. Nga was the first person to get a job through our service. Having searched for work for over...

Top five free resources for new businesses in Australia

Top five free resources for new businesses in Australia

While most businesses are founded from a passion to solve a problem or make a difference, it takes more than just a good idea to make a business successful in this day and age. If you're considering launching a business, regardless of the industry, here are some...